Year of the Bookwormz: 2011

52 weeks. 2 friends. 1 challenge.

LibraryLove’s Stacks January 26, 2010

Books Read and Reviewed by LibraryLove:
A: A Mother’s Circle by Sandra Kinhardt
To Be Read:

#10 Olive Kitteridge (audiobook)
#46: ROOM
#52: Oogy


3 Responses to “LibraryLove’s Stacks”

  1. Deb Says:

    Thanks for your comment! I too -am a lover of books- I love your site and what you and your friend are doing…I’m a lover of audiobooks too- I started a list of reading this year- but fell off the wagon- you’ve inspired me to keep better care. I have Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt in my TBR pile- and have (listeneded to- Nineteen Minutes- (two thumbs up!) and The Red Tent is actually on my favorite books of all time list…

    A good friend and I (and fellow blogger) are starting a podcast on books and such- I”d love to have you and your partner in books on as a guest if you’re interested! I’ll keep you posted…we are in pre-production stage.
    Please keep following me and I’ll definitely be checking in with you!

  2. Deb, wow, thank you for such complimentary words! I’m so glad a couple humble ‘ol bookwormz could inspire you; it makes the challenge that much more worthwhile knowing we’re motivating others! I’d absolutely love to participate in your podcast and am flattered you’d think of us! It sounds like a fantastic opportunity. You can definitely count me in and please keep me posted. I’ll go ahead and subscribe to your blog so I can keep up with ya!

    What are you reading right now? I’ve been asking everyone lately: what are your 3 top favorite books of all time. This summer I plan to revisit some of my all time favorites and would love to add a few new ones to my list 😉

    Looking forward to hearing from ya!


  3. Hi Deb,

    Thanks so much for the kind words and for checking out our blog. We have really enjoyed this challenge this year and meeting all the folks who stop by to share their thoughts and suggestions as well. I would love to hear your thoughts of Saving CeeCee Honeycutt as it’s one of my all time favorites! I got in touch with the author, Beth Hoffman, after reading it and am hoping to meet her on the paperback book tour. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did!

    Good luck with the pre-production of your podcast- what an awesome thing you are doing! We wish you well and thank you for thinking of us! Any friend of books is a friend of ours 😉


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